1 Reason 2 Live
The Intervene Challenge for Faith Groups

No One Would Know...
my death in the desert was a suicide. That was my plan in 2010 as a US Army Chaplain. But then my oldest son, a US Airman, reminded me of one reason to live. That day was a turning point that sparked a movement with more than 26,000 caring individuals trained in the skills that save lives.
In that place where we think there is
nothing that can save us - there is God.
The Challenge for the Faith Community
The faith community is strategically positioned to help reduce suicide risk. Believers are called to be the community that has eyes to see and ears that hear. 1 Reason 2 Live and the Listen Learn Lead model of intervention trains participants to have the eyes and ears to recognize the risk even when there are no overt signs of such risk.

US suicides rates have
increased 35% since 2020
1 in 240 people in the US attempt suicide each year and the number is increasing
35% of victims attended a church service in the weeks before suicide
1/3 of church members have a close friend or family member that has died by suicide
Suicide is the second leading
cause of death for teens
3.2 million people make a suicide plan each year in the US

1 Reason 2 Live is a rally cry to the church to be the beacon of hope Christ has called us to be. "A city set on a hill cannot be hidden." As the faith based intitiative of Armed Forces Mission and the Intervene Challenge, 1 Reason 2 Live provides four hours of intensive training in suicide intervention based on the book Listen Learn Lead by Chaplain Kenneth Lou Koon.